Despite all the alarming health problems associated with smoking tobacco cigarettes, many people today are addicted and cannot find a way to give up permanently. The E-cigarette, or electronic cigarette, is a healthier alternative that many heavily addicted smokers have switched over to, says the E-cigarette industry. However, the industry has yet to produce results of large-scale randomized human studies to back their claims.
E-cigarettes, or vapor cigarettes, work by superheating a cartridge that gives the smoker a dose of nicotine in the form of water vapor. This vapor can be flavored with cherry, chocolate, vanilla, tobacco, and menthol. The body absorbs the nicotine and then exhales this water vapor, which the industry claims leaves no harm to the person or its surroundings. Sellers of E-cigarettes say the water vapor has no chemicals or carcinogens (cancer causing substances) - it cannot cause second-hand harm to others or the environment - i.e. there is no second hand smoke (passive smoking).
The industry adds that by switching to e-cigarettes, smokers will be able to use their new smoke-free device in restricted areas where tobacco smoking is forbidden, such as bars, hotel rooms, airports, and restaurants.
The Electronic Cigarette Hub claims that with these devices the user's teeth will not turn yellow and lungs will not be damaged, because they contain no tar or other harmful toxins.